
Why I'll miss my roommate.

+Drunks are funny!
+Her loud sex reminds me of what it's supposed to sound like, only sadder.
+Jews are funny!
+She's the only person in the apartment who dresses worse than me.
+I'm one notch higher on the Rape Scale.
+Drunk Jews are hilarious!
+No one else in the apartment truly hates me. Pure hatred doesn't come around that often.
+No more Hitler jokes. sideways frowny:(
+I'll forget what a person slowly killing themselves, looks like.
+The only two-faced person in my life will be the Two-Headed Monster on Sesame Street.
+Who will scream at me now? My boss doesn't count.
+I can't do an uncanny impersonation of my other roommates.
+"Yo", "Dude", "Son" and other cultured terms might leave my lexicon.
+"Drugs are Drugs"
+Being reminded of why I pretty much abandoned my religion is a much easier issue to deal with, then the other crap I have going on.
+She makes my life look like a freaken picnic.
+Who will tell me how "retarded" people who attempt suicide are? In fact where will I get cracker-jack advice about the Mental Health field, from someone who knows what she's talking about, now?
+Small trash can fires are exciting
+I do like Clinque face wash
+No one else will take photos of me and invite me out, then try and stab me. Verbally, of course.
+She makes nepotism SO glamourous!
+So THAT'S what a real family is! I never want to be independent, or be a grown up either! To much responsiblility is hard.
+Hearing an Aria from The Magic Flute at Warp 12 volume as a ringtone just won't be the same, if it doesn't ring at 4 in the morning.
+It might not be appropriate to use the "C" as an adjective quiet as often, anymore.
+Not have any work ethic is a nice reminder of being 13.
oh, there's so many more reasons as to why I'll miss you, you horrible little minx. As we get closer to a move out date, I'll be listing more.

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