
Back in the saddle, again! Whee!

I just came from my first UCB class in 6 months. I can't believe I haven't performed in so long! This was just a workshop, and I took it to get a jumpstart on level 301 which begins in two weeks. It's no big surprise, I can be VERY self-concsious about myself, especially when I perform. Improv is so incredably different than musical theatre. When performing a song, I'm not shy or scared because I'm confidant in my abilities as a singer. I'm not entirely confidant in my abilites as an improviser, mostly because I went 12 years without it, and this new improv world differs so greatly than that of Reading, PA.

Rob Riggle is a tremendous teacher, who really gets "it." He's so reassuring, and gives amazing notes. I wish he taught classes on a more regular basis. Basically, this workshop teaches us to find the "game" as soon as possible. While I appreciate the some of the class wouldn't ask him about his tenure on SNL, or what Jon Stewart smells like (of course I'm curious, but I'm not paying money to learn about what a hardass Lorne is, I'll figure that on my own.) I understand why they do it. Most of the class has completed 401, and I belive I'm the only one who hasn't done 301. There were some Harold Team members there, and it's pretty sweet performing with them. A chick from Tantrum and I had a good scene. If anything, this class will teach me to become more confidant in my abilities. Because if I'm not, how the HELL will I EVER be able to find the game?

Riggle also said, the teachers nowadays are too easy. He said Besser used to make men cry. They really weeded the rifraff out. Can't wait for tomorrow. It's good to be back.

Because I went to work, then to class, and then back to work, I'm requesting no one tell me about any fun plans this weekend. I just can't do it, I'm way to exhausted.

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