
I dreamed a dream.

I had the most bizarre, realistic dream this morning. I don't often dream about anyone specific, and I'm not one to dream about people in my life. But today I did. It involved a celebrity, which I refuse to reaveal, because it's a tad embarrassing.

I dreamnt I drove to my ex-boyfriend's house. walked inside, and this particular famous person was in his bed. He tried kissing me, but was awful at it. He told me he was cold, so I tried to go down on him. He pulled away. Suddenly, I hear my father's voice. And I'm in my pajamas. He tells me to go with him, to leave here imediatly. I then, wake up, and my father is telling me to get up, so I can drive him to work.

One would think, the dream wouldv'e ended slightly differently. There's always tonight!

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