
What you've missed...

Being busy isn't funny. Nothing amusing comes from working all the time. There's so much I've overlooked in the past few days...

-on Super Bowl Sunday, my roommates got skunk-drunk and were "grabassing". Hey, Joe Francis, forget Cancun. I've got your Girls Gone Wild right here.
-A delightful interchange between two HUGE black men on the subway, went from possible violence, to a Jamba Juice exchange. Warm fuzzies all around.
-a roommate is moving out. Stability will commence. Sort of.
-She's a bitch.
-I'm going to my depressing home town in two weeks (for the first time in 12 years), and I'm scared to death.
-I've been drinking more, so technically I can no longer state that "I don't drink."
-When you apologize to someone, you might get some ass. This is not normal, and one shouldn't make a habit out of it.
-Pay attention to things people say, particularly things related to the opposite sex.
-When a person farts, and says "Safety" she deserves a good smack. Especially because she's a bitch.
-When a bitch yells that you're "insane, need meds, and is fucked up" demand a reason as to why. Especially, when you have a Ven diagram supporting your reasons as to why she's a crack-head.
-Roommates talk to Rabbits, when you're not around.
-Blogging while in the company of my roommates continues to inspire me

And the chesnut of the night, straight from the brains on the house;
"language is the essence of human life."

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