
The cast of the show.

We all know my love of the show I work with. I don't need to say the name; you get it. I wouldn't be nearly as excited if I was working on Tarzan or Phantom (I've never seen Phantom, by the way, and I hope I never do!). One of the reasons the show is so fabulous, is the amazing, AMAZING cast. All younger then me, some are still in High School. These kids (wow, I'm old) are such professionals. And they're not that fazed with their sudden celebrity.

It's pretty cute to see them Myspacing each other, knowing whose dating whom, and who their favorite musicians are. If more of them were of the legal drinking age, I know we'd be hearing about them in Page Six. And I have it on good authority, some of the cast swings by UCB from time to time.

Here's a fun little interview with one of my favorite castmembers. He's such a smarmy little horn-ball in the show...and he's only 20! Pick up Time Out New York this week (yes, the Valentine's Day issue), for a fun little blurb about my pal and yours, Johnny Gallagher.

Don't forget, they're on Letterman on the 21st, and the View the following morning.

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