
Improv, Boys, Trust

Day 2 of my class with Rob Riggle finished a few hours ago. A complete 180 of yesterday's class. I just didn't trust myself, wasn't present, and pretty much sucked. These are the same issues I dealt with during 201, and I forgot how much I hated facing them. Riggle said many encouraging things after class to me, that really helped. I wish I WISH I could stay present in a scene; he said I have to stop self-writing so much. Don't Think, I know, I know! I'm still excited to start 301, but I'm so petrified. I can do this, right?

Riggle is performing at ASSSSCAT! tonight, and he said he'll be teaching some classes in April and during the marathon.

Moving right along, I picked up one of the kids from a playdate today, and I swooned. I haven't swooned is a long time. At the door, the playmate's older brother answered. Honestly, words didn't come out if my mouth, and I just stood there looking like an idiot. The more he smiled, the less functional I became. I didn't get his name, but he was SO handsome. Holy cow, he was delicious. This is not a typical reaction, mind you. And don't listen to my roommates is they say otherwise. If we all have a physical "type", he was mine. Nope, you're not getting any details - like all good crushes, I'm keeping this one to myself.

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