
A Cease-Pool of Evil.

My roommate still hasn't moved out yet. As we know, I abhore her, and everything about her. I went to bed quite late last evening, around 5, and awoke fairly late today, around 2pm. I go into the bathroom, and the window's wide open, my big yellow towel hanging from the sill blowing in the frigid breeze. Perhaps it's my zany living room dwelling roommate, up to her old tricks. But, I enter the living room, she's sound asleep. The TV is blaring One Life to Live, and the coffee table is littered with mirrors and straws. I've accepted my roommate's habits, but I don't neccessaraly like them.

Her silver-plated shot glasses were corraded with her Cover Girl Lipslicks, and the drain was clogged with her pubes. Not attractive.

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