
These are the people in my neighborhood

Most are confused by the amount of families I'm currently caring for. What amazes me most, I've kept it straight and together this long. We know of the overweight Nudist on the UWS, with the twins, one having Autisim. He hasn't put his head in the toilet lately. His sister is my most favorite child in all of New York. She's the best. I succeeded in royally pissing this mother off, over the holidays. After she insisted I return my key, she back tracked, and took me back. Why? Because I'm the only Nanny you'll ever meet, that'll run 8 blocks to the Radio Shack, 10 min. before it closes, to buy an adapter for a laptop, and in turn, saving the freaking day.

Then we have the crazy 3-fingered ticket lady, also on the UWS, with the daughter whose charm grew on my overnight. Such a talented little girl, she taught me to ice-skate in the Hamptons, during Christmas. I almost forgot to mention, we ice skated with Tim Robbins at Chelsea Piers last week. Sadly, her mother is balls-out crazy, treats her daughter horribly, and doesn't pay me nearly enough. So, I'm happily tossing this gig towards my delightful roommate. She can use the bread, and it'll give her the exposure she needs. See, a relationship with me, is a symbiotic one!

Finally, we have the Autistic teenager who adores me. And I him. He's 18, and speaks of nothing but trains, forms of transportation, fast food, and women's legs. We went to the Central Park Zoo last weekend, and two weeks earlier we walked accross the Brooklyn Bridge all the way to my old apartment in Tribeca.

All of these families are great, in their own way. And amazingly, I've been able to support myself since leaving my last position. But I really, really need a stable, "normal" job. Once I have that, I won't have to schedule going to the movies, out to dinner, or hanging at UCB several days in advance. And I really need to get back to improv. I miss it so much.

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