
What you will expect

-a high level of sophistication
-passion-fulled anicdotes
-more open letters to strangers
-"concept" pieces
-photos! That's right, Mr. Eastman!
-excitement only Manhattan (ok fine, some parts of Brooklyn and suburban Philadelphia) can drum up
-breasts, and lots of 'em
-high quality muckracking
-my sterling opinion
-comments only from the highest echelon of posters
-bullet-filled posts, such as this one
-for $100 bucks, nudity
-just enough intrigue to get you through your day

Yes I, The Infamous Smirking Valet solemly swear to uphold the extreme fabulosity left by the previous incarnation. I will continue to not censor myself, spread the word of my deleriously humourous conterparts, and try to shock - just a smidge. If I've learned one thing from this experience...I'm certainly not going to tell to you, am I? Grab the handcuffs, the subpeonas, hold onto your pride, and step away from the ledge - let the hubris overflow commence.

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