
A paradigm shift.

The interview of which I spoke, several days back just didn't work. Not nearly enough bread, and the agency insisted I tell the family I attend church every Sunday. I haven't even seen Passion of the Christ. Whilst shopping last evening, I recieved another agency call. "Drop what you're doing, and head to Park Ave. This single mother is DYING to meet you!." In the middle of Sephora, amongst the prestige cosmetics, I realized I too, had become something to be bought. Although I have a price, I'm tired of using it. In that moment, I decided to quit the interview process, and work my 6-day plan. In plain English - I'm no longer looking for work. I have three perfectly adequet families. Although they don't summer in the South of France, prefer flying commercially, and don't keep their fridge stocked with Pelligrino (sob!), neither do I. I didn't attend a "nanny training school". Yes, they do exist. I'm not polished, meek, or dowdy, and while I am well-mannered (to a point) and cultured (to a point), I'm real. And if you don't like, suck it. Hard. Have you ever really heard me complain about the children? With 2 or 3 exceptions, I love my time with them. Because in the cold, drab reality of Manhattan private schools, neglectful parents, and semi-pro tennis lessons, I am the silver lining in their lives. I am content, I suppose.

I sure would like some Pelligrino...

Today was the first day of a new endeavor. I may have hinted at this last week. I'm now assisting in marketing and P.R. for a show. A Broadway show. Ok, fine - it's bloody Spring Awakening!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been told this could open up new doors for me. An exciting prospect indeed! Today, my task was to call every college and university in Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania and convince them to hang posters and flyers around their campus, and in their English and Drama departments. I only got as far as all of Connecticut, and the "T"s in New York. But, I got Yale!!!! I spoke to the head of the Yale's drama department! That's right Jodie Foster! Me! In fact, I "got" every college I spoke with. I called Qunnipiac, and spoke to some curmudgeonly English professor. "Speak clearly." "Use proper English." "Give me some tickets first!" If I had had him for English, I probably would have cried. My boss told me to fuck him, so I did. Metoporically, of course. I respect anybody that tells me I "give good phone."

I sure give good phone.

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