
Fuzzy Feelings

What a long, long day it's been - and it's only 5pm! When I go home, I do the majority of my shopping. Bizarre, perhaps. Savvy, yes sir! For those unfamiliar with my obsession, I LOVE Target. I would move in, like Jennefer Connely in Career Opportunities. If you see a lovely women carrying two huge packs of Bounty on a New Jersey Transit train, it's probably me.

But I not only scoured Target today. I chauffered my father to several medical appointments, drove through the snow (!), and rocked out to Night Ranger and Meatloaf on the radio of my Mum's Pontiac. I love Meatloaf, like I love Target - except I'm not as vocal about my love of the Loaf. He's just a brilliant singer, and a delightful showman. And his backup singer has a voice similar to mine, so it all works out in the shower. Paradise By the Dashboard Light? Come On! The best song about making whoopee in a car since Expressway to Your Heart! This man is a perfect example of what I find most attractive in a fella - as long as your passionate about your craft, and are damn good at it, appearances don't faze me.

While driving through the snow, the power of advertising got the best of me. The velvet tones of John Goodman spouting the wonders of Dunkin Donuts new White Hot Chocolate consumed me. I love White Chocolate more than Meatloaf, but not as much as Target. Oh, it was like John Goodman gave me a hug, and almost choked me - it was that good!

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