
Try as I may...

I can't get excited about going out tonight. It's Saturday. Woo woo. I'm tired, frustrated with work, and bloody cold. Karioke with the roommates was a possibility, but not even the prospect of singing for Mike Myers is enough to get me out. I ordered some take out, watched my roommate bake, tried curling her hair, and we watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Who doesn't not love that movie? That's easily one of my top 10.

I saw Night at the Museum, AGAIN. I doen't really get better the second time around. I have the desire to expand my DVD collection this week. I almost bought Mommie Dearest for $10 bucks at Virgin, the other day.

Amazingly, I have off tomorrow. That never happens. Hopefully, I'll get brunch and do some shopping. I deserve to be shallow every now and again.

My roommate just declared, "My brain is so pretty. I should write a poem about it." You wished you lived here, come on.

1 comment:

Christopher Scott said...

"My brain is so pretty. I should write a poem about it."

I think she just did!

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