
I'm lucky, you're lucky, we're all lucky!

Dear me, whose the unstable one now? I've never been "put" in a cab before. Then again, I've never finished an entire pint of beer before. That fact that it was light beer is inconsiquential. I couldn't remember my address. When I drink, my personality & demeanor go one of two ways - I become loud(er) and start insulting people (usually they don't mind, and they allow me to make out with them in a broom closet in Scotland, then they loose their job, because you can't make out with a hotel guest while serving drinks), or I become real quiet, and somewhat catetonic. I've met a catetonic person before, so I know what I'm talking about.

I suppose I prefer the latter of my drunk personas, simply because it keeps me out of trouble.

Damn you Idiots of the Idiotarod! CBS might be onto something.

So, I came home, and to my surprise was the last one in - that rarely happens. I sleeply pulled on my new polka-dot pajamas, fed my Rabbit, and called my Agorophobic best friend to relay the events of the night to him. No matter time of day, I always call him when I get home from being out with friends. If one must live vicariously through someone, it might as well be me!

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