
We found a good one.

A new roommate, that is. Our open house was a smashing success, and although we only saw 4 people, it was an easy decision. And yes, that was me on the fire escape in my pajamas, shaking the rug out - you're welcome.

He's a very nice Brooklyn-born boy, who rounds out the craziness the rest of the household posesses. I've only lived with my boyfriend, but never another guy. He seems smart enough to put the seat down, and to stay out of our own personal dramas.

We all got the warm fuzzies from him. And for the three of us to agree whole-heartedly on something is a pretty big deal. He was warm, amiable, and asked to play with my Rabbit - I know other boys who don't care for such things. We're all super excited. Whee! New Blood!

In other news, GO SEE BLACK SNAKE MOAN!!!!!!!!!!! It's the best movie involving a chained up Nympho since Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! It's such an amazing film, I can't say enough good things about it. So I won't. Go see it now!

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