
It's a jumble!

Where have the days gone? Here's what you may have missed:
-I officially hate my job
-I REALLY want to go to the Tony's.
-Did I say I hate my job? I LOVE my job, and I LOVE the Tony's.
-Actually, I enjoy my job, I hate my boss.
-It will most definatly end in tears and screaming, hopefully after the Tony's.
-One of the kids found profos in my wallet.
-This was the one time in the history of me - with the exception of all of my Junior year - that I carried profos with me.
-Ernie Sabella is a jolly man
-My new favorite restaurant might be Joe Allens.
-Old Italian men find me and my hands attractive.
-"Where the Sidewalk Ends" is STILL the best book to get kids to enjoy reading.
-Carrying 100 window cards to 50 restaurants isn't nearly as easy as it looks.
-I'm "the best Nanny in the whole world".
-I have "buzz."
-I still get week in the knees for British & Scottish boys, particularly those working behind a bar.
-I missed you.

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