
What's so great about the Staten Island Ferry, anyway?

Remember when you were in junior high and you were in a group of people who thought similarly to you? A clique, if you will. Remember the band geeks and the theatre freaks? I was in both! Remember the jocks, and how you'd stay after school to watch Jeremy Bennett wrestle in tights? Remember the burnouts and the goths who thought Hot Topics was the mecca for punk and angst? Remember the obviously bitchy girls invite you to a pool party, and ignore you the whole time? What about the mean girls that give off the appearance of being sweet but in the end, turn out to be vicious, spiteful girls?

I thought junior high, high school was over. The truth is, it'll never be over. As long as the world keeps spinning, people will continue to knock others down in an attempt to make themselves feel better. Knowing that you have the ability to make someone cry is an amazingly powerful thing. We, as a people, take the ability of taking control and having power over another, for granted. Consequently, often times we don't see someone slowly beginning to have control and exert power over us. And that is what we need to focus on - taking back the power.

Your mother and father were right; bullies are bullies because of insecurities, broken homes, factors that are beyond their control. They choose to bully, in an effort to take that control back. Life is a big, bitchy power struggle.

I am writing this, not so much to be informative to my readers, but as a lesson plan for myself. I need to stop letting the control others have placed upon me, break me. I need to remember that whatever happened in the past, isn't relevant now. This is me, taking back my power.

so, fuck it. I took back my power, and I promise to never be so generous with it again.

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