
My brain feeds off of the History Channel.

Since I've been out of work, I suppose I've been in the doldrums. The upside is I get to video chat w/ my wonderful friend, Mark and my MBA friend in Rome, I've rediscovered the wonder of midday naps, I'm spending more quality time with my Rabbit, I can meet some of my other out of work friends for lunch, and I've become addicted to the Rachael Ray Show and the Discovery Channel.

Some say I remind them of Rachael Ray. She's so perky and spunky and does things her own way. And she does strange things with food like making Red Velvet Whoopie Pies and coating Fried Chicken in curry! That proves it is entirely possible to fry pasta-nests. I've been DVR'ing her show, and making a list of meals I want to prepare, once I have money to go to Fairway.

The Discovery Channel is a surprise addiction. I've always been a history buff. Just try and beat me at Jeopardy. Bitch. I'm learning all these wonderful facts, such as the 7 possible ways the world will end (plague! massive volcanos! rise of the machines!), each of the 13 colonies had their own bill of rights however Rhode Island and South Carolina we're all like "bitch, please. That's not how we roll in the Palmetto State/Smallest state in the nation!", and most importantly James Buchanan was gay! Wow, right?? I always thought he had an incestuous affair with his niece, Harriet Lane. In reality he was schtuping Franklin Pierce's VP! Franklin Pierce paid no mind, since he was still grieving over the death of his son. He was decapitated before President Pierce's eyes!!! Sucks, right!

Now I'm no Franklin Pierce or William Henry Harrison, which is good because Harrison only served three months of his presidency, after succumbing to pneumonia after giving the longest inaugural address in US history. Three hours! Bring a book! Anyway, cutting to the chase, I may be out of work and lolligaging my days away, but at least I'm continuing my education. As we all know, men dig smart chicks who watch the History Channel!

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