
Mondays mean only one thing...job search!

I do one of three things, every 6-10 months. I move, I look for a job, and I come up with a hair brained scheme. I move so often because I have had the worst luck with roommates. By far. My one positive situation was in the East Village, but the other roommates, as amazing as they were, had predilections for drug use, casual sex, and Brooklyn. Other then casual sex, the other two were deal breakers. Of course, I have the most wonderful roommate now, so let's not dwell on that subject any longer.

As for the hair-brained schemes? Well they typically consist of delusions of grandeur i.e. traveling to Iceland and the Shetland Islands, eating one meal per day for 2 months, becoming an internet sensation, booking a suite at the Pierre Hotel, and walking into Cartier and purchasing a Love Bracelet. There's a reason we call these things hair-brained, yes?

Now speaking of le job, well that's the story of my life, isn't it. I've always been a Nanny. I consider it a profession, and one that has it's own level of prestige. Our portrayals have typically been on Pointe. Yes, we live to serve, the children can sometimes be terrors until we come in and change their lives. Yes, the parents are the most miserable shit heads on the planet, wondering why their children love us so much. It is the latter of these reasons that my job search is one of a frequent nature.

If I wasn't so tired I would go into specifics regarding the torment and abuse I have witnessed. But hear I am, jobless - by choice, mind you - in search of another position. I've been told I'm a "downtown, Upper West Side Nanny" because downtown families appreciate my "quirky nature" and UWS families appreciate my liberal approach to child rearing. Whatever the stereotypical case may be, I'm just searching for a family that pays amazingly, treats me with respect, understands my role and doesn't misuse it, and let's me be me.

I have an interview tomorrow morning, and it's a big one. This is the sort of interview that you purchase new shoes and pluck your eyebrows for. A formal household looking for an amazing nanny. Hopefully the "rock and roll Nanny" will impress and kick some 5th ave ass.

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