
Being professional is attractive.

Today I ate with at the "important" table at lunch. Starting with day one, I've hated eating in our employee cafeteria. Yes, it reminds me of Junior High. When I first walked in, I was taken back to that place, hoping to God someone would have a seat saved for me, while not judging a huge heap of Cheese Fries on my plate.

Not even bothering to put up with any chance of gossip mongering-co worker shanagans, I was shuttering myself in my office to eat whilst reading New York Magazine's Vulture Blog, then when my Mum came, I was eating lunch with her. She has a virus of sorts this week, so I decided to be sociable and eat with on of the few coworkers I enjoy being around.

I met her in the cafeteria, and she was sitting at the power table. Or the "Super Sexy Power Table." Gathered around said table was the Director of the facility, the director of nursing, the VP of something or another, and my coworker, and myself. When I wasn't eating my meatballs, I just listened. Not quite ready to stir that pot. The VP praised me, and introduced me to the important people. It wasn't so terrible. Apparently, this is what it was like for popular kids. And I didn't even have to carry someone's saxophone or buy them a necklace at Claire's. Does this mean those miserable years are gone? Of course not, I live in New York City - those people all came here! Either that, or had a kid out of wedlock. Which makes me smile.

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