
That Meat Kitchen Guy

At my nursing facility, it is a "Glaat Kosher" facility. Meaning, no cheeseburgers, shrimp cocktail, or BLT's. The kitchen is divided into two sections: Meat & Dairy. Some guy started working in the Meat Kitchen around the same time I became employed. A cute guy, with big ole' eyes and a nasty cocain habit. Actually, the cocain thing is pure speculation, but numerous gossipy coworkers verify symtoms of a coke-head.

He is the most chauvenistic person I've met. His idea of a fun evening is hanging out with Hooters Girls in Hoboken, then taking the PATH to Chelsea to hoping to get a table at Spice Market. He's a typical Jersey guy, with close-minded views on the world.

He's in love with one of my Jersey Girls, whose completely unaware of it. His self-obsessed confidant demeanor melts away around her, and turns him into a teenage boy. I, of course think he's cute and have often joked of locking the two of us in the meat locker.

Those who work amongst him say he constantly scratches his crotch. We all belive he's got a party going on down there.

Look, he's the only semi-attractive guy at work whose not married or an Ortho. We need to keep ourselves occupied and amused somehow. I believe I have just proven that women are catty, gossip mongers with nothing better to do.

Apologies for setting the women's movement back a few days.

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