
Coming at ya Live! From Harlem!

I've been gone far too long. I stopped blogging in mid-July, due to craziness taking over my life. Here's a recap:

August - I was fired from my post as a personal bitch to the marketing director of Spring Awakening. Failed in becoming bff's w/ Johnny Gallagher. Became Assistant Director of an "off-Broadway workshop". Whatever that means. Got fired from that too. No hard feelings, but lost a good friend. Gained an even better one!

September - Accepted a position as a Recreation Therapist in Jersey, knowing wholheartedly that a reverse commute & major paycut makes as much sence as female circumcision.

October - my roommate, and best friend of almost a year moved out, taking with here an abusive relationship that I never want to revisit. I found out I was being evicted. Meet the "Turk".

November - move in w/ my friend, in Harlem, the dumpster of Manhattan. Depression sets in. My parent's divorce is official.

Demember - travel to Florida for work. Come back, and almost loose my mind with my roommate's boyfriend constantly up my butt. Spend New Year's Eve watching Hairspray, and cheering up my roommate since she broke up w/ the boyfriend.

January - roommate back w/ asshole boyfriend. Never hear from the "Turk" again. Meet the guy w/ Asbergers, casually date. Mice take over apartment in Harlem. Plot to move in w/ fabulous gay friend sometime soon...

Here we are. All caught up!

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